The ultrasound took a bit longer than usual, which is saying a lot since I am use to ultrasound for twins. This ultrasound also was very boring that I have ever had. There was only one screen and the tech got to see everything. When she turned the monitor toward me and I saw the head I kind knew something was up. I am use to ultrasound pictures after all the ones I had with G&G. The head had a black spot on it and I almost ask the tech what it was but did not. The tech was having a little trouble seeing a good picture of the heart but was not worried about it. I asked about the gender so she went to check that out and she had her knees locked tight, lol. Because she could not see her heart well she had me walk around a bit. When I came back it the tech a little better picture of the heart but not as good as they usually like. The baby’s heart was right behind my belly button. The tech looked for the gender again and this time I was told it’s a GIRL! She is 10oz. Heart rate is 153 and measuring 19weeks 3 days.
I was told I could clean up and use the bathroom. I was about to leave when the tech came in the bathroom and told me the doctor wanted to see me. I went to see the doctor he told me there is a cyst on the baby's brain. It’s called Choroid Plexus Cyst. He went on to tell me it’s nothing really to worry about since there is no other abnormally with the baby. That it should go away on its own.
I am having another ultrasound when I am in my third trimester. They are going to make sure the cyst went away and take another look at the heart.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
its a . . .
Friday, October 1, 2010
19 Weeks
This pregnancy has flown by!
Things are going good. I had no morning sickness, I didn't with G&G either. At my appointment last week I had gained no weight!!! My midwife wants me to gain no more then 20. I want to gain no more then 10. I can get away with that be I am over weight to begin with. I am not dieting or anything. But I am watching what I eat. Plus it helps that nothing sounds good right now and I am craving nothing! But that is a double edge sword because when I am hungry nothing sounds good and I want nothing. There has been a couple of times I made a meal that sounds good but once it is all done I don't want to eat it. I then have a salad instead. I love salads!!! I hated chololate with G&G and at first with this one I did not like it either. Now I can handle a little bit here and there but it is still not my favorite. Now if only it stays that way after I have the baby.
Anyways things are going good beside my back hurts from to time. I don't remember having back pain when I was pregnant with twins. I miss sleeping on my stomach! I was never a stomach sleeper until I joined the navy and was stationed on a ship. I am having trouble sleeping. But that should go way after the baby is a couple months old, lol.
My ultrasound is next Thursday. I can't wait. I keep having dreams that I find out I am having twins and they are conjoined at that appointment. I don't know what means. Yes we are going to find out what we are having. I really would like to have a girl, but I would be happy with a boy to. Gilbert keeps saying it's a boy. At one point he was saying it was twins too. I finally told him there was only one baby in there and he was upset for a couple of hours. Gwen has always said it was a girl. She ask me all the time if she gets to hold the baby and feed her. They are both every excited to become big brother and big sister.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Life goes on
Sometimes navy wives bug me!
Sam ship had to to increase their working hours to 7 days a week! The ship is going though a very import inspection and our sailors need to work on the ship to make sure it top shape to pass that inspection. Well some spouse are having a fit because of this. They are complaining that they will never get to spend time with their sailor. Other spouse are having a fit because they so far away they only get to see their husbands on weekends. That they don't understand why their spouses have to work so much.
Well our spouses made a commitment with our government to be sailors and to defend our country and keep the upkeep of the ship. The ship is the number one priority! Yes that sucks big time for the sailors that have families, but it is our sailor's job and duty. If the ship can't sail, go out to sea, then our spouses have failed!
The ones that live far away is their fault no where in the sailor's orders does it say they could not move there family with them. Plus the ones that live out of state, there is a big handful that does, and travel home on the weekends are in the wrong. According to the Navy a sailor is only allowed to travel, I believe, three hundred miles away from the ship. They should be going that far without having permission. Plus if the spouse is upset she can not see her sailor then why doesn't she travel here on the weekend to see her sailor during all of this!?!?
They all need understand that stand that right now our sailors do not need for us to be complaining about working hours. Our sailors know it sucks. They need us to be there for them and encourage our sailors to do thief job because complaining does not help them it just puts them in a bad mood. If our sailors work hard and do theirs jobs and get the ship to where it needs to be the working hours will relax and go back to normal. This is not forever! We should be grateful our spouses have job. That they are not doing work ups to get ready for deployment. It is temporary things will get back to normal.
Monday, August 9, 2010
I can now finally share one of my secrets
I am 11 weeks pregnant! There is only one baby this time around. The due date is February 24, 2011
August has 5 sundays, 5 mondays and 5 tuesdays all in one month. It happens once in 834 yrs. And at exactly 6 min and 7 sec after 5 o clock on Aug 9,2010, it will be 05:06:07 08/09/10 and at 12 mins & 13 sec after 11 it will be 08/09/10 11:12:13. This won't happen again until the year 3010.
Friday, July 23, 2010
I hate secrets!
I like to know everything. I think it has a lot to do with when I was kid a lot a people considered me dump. but was I just did not know how to express myself. Then I found it was easier to play the part of being the “dumb blond” then to fight against it. I try very hard not to fall into the category now days. some times I think I try to hard. But I am done playing that part.
But back to what I came here to say. I hate secrets. I like to share what I know. But I also know there is a time and place for everything and sometimes its just best not to tell people stuff.
I can keep secrets!!!
But this is killing me I want to tell!
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
My Children have been sick now for over a week, it has not been fun here at all!! Gwen got sick I believe last Monday. She had three days of a fever then on the fourth she started to cough and dry heaving, the day before she stopped eating. So on the fourth day I called the doctors office and got us in. They had us do all these test which all came back fine!! Doc said it was a virus nothing she could do about it. When Gwen got her blood drawn Gilbert wanted his blood taken too. It was funny and sad too, he was so upset. The next day Gwen started to feel better! But I could tell Gilbert was coming down with it. For the last three days Gilbert has been sick. Unlike Gwen he will not take any medicine to bring down his fever. Which is kind of funny because about a year ago he love taking medicine, he manage to get the top off of a bottle of Tylenol and drink some, of course I called poison control freaking out, but was told that unless he drank the whole bottle there was nothing to worry about and to just watch him. Anyways last night Gilbert temp was high again, I do not know how high, but it was really hot to the touch. Once again I tried to get him to take medicine but he wouldn't so I put him in the bath and gave him a luck warm bath. Gilbert really enjoyed it, it brought down him temp and slept though the rest of the night. Today we went to commissary I saw some Tylenol melt away so I bough it. Since Gilbert temp is still warm (so is Gwen's) I gave them each one, which they both liked! On the bottle the age range they are in says to give them 3 each, but their weigh range says to give them 2. since their fever was not high I only gave the 1 each. They really like it. Tonight I gave them both another one since their fevers seem to peak at night. So for there has been no crying! This is the First time in over week I will go to bed alone , I don't know if that is a good thing or bad thing.
In between all that I have not been feeling to well myself. I am just hoping I do not catch what they have:
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Last night I was sitting on the floor cutting coupons while I was watching TV. At 9:20pm my two dogs started to freak out a second later my ground below me started to move! And there was this sound like a big truck passing the house (which they don’t) I just sat there. first I looked at the TV thinking what's going on. Then it hit me this a EARTHQUAKE! By the time it took my process this all, it was over. I got up and called my mom and started to cry. I had been thought my first earthquake that I have actually felt. I have been though a couple of quakes but I have never felt them, so this different, it was real!
The quakes started at 9:26 pm with one centered 5 miles southeast of Ocotillo. The first quake was first reported as a magnitude 5.9 but later downgraded it to a magnitude 5.7! That first temblor was quickly followed by a series of quakes, according to the USGS. One recorded as a 3.9 magnitude happened at 9:29 pm. Then one registering a 3.6 magnitude occurred at 9:31 p.m., followed by a 3.2 magnitude at 9:33 pm, followed by a 4.0 and 3.9 both at 9:36 pm. There were 34 quakes that first hour after the 5.7 magnitude quake. Many of the smaller quakes were recorded less than 10 miles from Ocotillo Wells, but I lost count after first hour. The short but powerful quake hit in a strong first wave, then rolled for some time afterward. The quake that emanated nearly 70 miles from San Diego.
Nothing fell off the wall and nothing was damaged and no was hurt! They only thing I am upset about is how poorly I reacted. I should have gotten up and to a safe location, not just sat there. I should have been worried about my kids. but I just sat there. G&G slept though the quake. Which I was thankful for since is was not major.
This afternoon I talked to G&G about earthquakes. I told them that if the ground starts to move to go to a doorway and stay there until the ground stops moving. When the ground stops moving to go outside and get help. I have not idea if that is right or not. I just remember from the one or two drills I did in elementary school a while back. From what I remember they said to stop drop, get under our desk (cover) and hold on to them, then get out of the school. I would think it would be almost like that at home, drop get on the ground, get cover under a table or something and hold on, then get out. Right? I guess I will need to look into this.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
spider in the toilet!
I am cleaning the house so when the guy comes to spray my house tomorrow he wont think I live like a slob. Why are you having some one come spray my house, well a couple of days ago Gilbert went to go use the bathroom when he informed me there was a spider in there. I was thinking it was on the wall, ceiling or on the floor, no it was in the toilet. Mind you it was not on the on toilet, not floating in the water, it was on the the toilet seat!!! I grabbed a the closest thing to me, which just happen to be a water spray bottle. I started to spray the sucker. When I had knocked it off the toilet I told Gilbert to go get me a shoe. He ran to his room grabbed a shoe and gave it to me. I then ended that spiders life. I have a huge fear of spiders. I don’t like them. But I know they have a purpose in this world and I thank them for taking care of the flies and other bugs, but please stay out of my house and especially stay out of my toilet!!!
Saturday, May 1, 2010
I went to pay my bills today, online thought my bank account, while I was at it I decide to double check the charges that went though. The second on it was a $103.80 charge to ACO Hardware, which in Michigan! I have never been to Michigan. We called the bank and found out there is a second charge pending to a Toys r Us for 317.99 which just happens to be a couple miles down from the hardware store. What is weird is that my bank said it was a hard swipe which means they had my credit card. I am wondering if they stole my credit card info and made a new card. I also wonder how they got my info I really don’t like to use my bank card for anything and never for stuff online.
This happen this past Thursday. And it goes to show you that things happen in three. My Great Grandpa passed away that day. My mom’s dog, Rickie, was hurt that night.
My Great Grandpa was 32 days shy of the young age of 97. He lived a full life. He was able to see all three of his children grow up and have children of their. Then he was able to see their children have children. Some of my favorite memories of him are of him dancing with my Great Grandma. I loved to see them dance. I remember going to the state fair to see them dance. He had been falling down a lot so they took him to the hospital to get checked out. We fond out that he had leukemia plus his heart was weak heart. We were given months that turned into days. We went to visit him after we found out it was just days left. But those days actually turned out to be hours. While some of my family and I were visiting my Grandpa passed away.
That night I went to check on my mom’s dog, Rickie, when I notice this awful smell. I thought maybe he had an accident but it wasn’t the same smell. I went to take off his collar when I got some stuff on me. I called for my husband. He took off his collar and saw he was cut. My sister and I rushed him to the Animal ER. We got him fixed up and took him home within an hour. My sister feels really bad about this so she has been taking really good care of him. He is doing fine and wounds are healing nicely.
So there is my threes
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Monday, April 26, 2010
My wonderful husband bought me an early anniversary / Mother's day / birthday present! It is just what I wanted. Its a notebook!! But more it offers you the versatility to touch, draw, or type. The unique, convertible design offers a full-size keyboard and can also be used in slate mode as a sketchpad with a digital pen.
The swivel-top HP Touchsmart tm2 not only comes with a 12.1 inch screen and a 9-hour battery life, but it also comes packed with HP's own Bumptop 3D desktop. When you're using the tm2 in tablet form, you can activate the Bumptop 3D program and use touch to command your tablet. Want to toss some photos onto Facebook? Just drag them into the Facebook icon and away you go. The tm2 also comes bundled with some sweet-looking media apps like Netflix, Hulu, Twitter (who cares), and Facebook (cool!), so you can stay connected.
DigiFish Dolphin: Experience an interactive 3-D screensaver that recreates an ocean environment. This is way cool! My kids and I can sit all day watching and playing this.
I am still learning all the things this can do but so far I love it! I am sure there are more things I still have learned on this but I really do like what I know it can so so far.I love the fact that I am no longer have my back turned to the kids when I am on the computer. I can be in any room in the house with the kids and still be able to do what I need to do on the computer.
Maybe now I will be able to blog like I use to!!
Thursday, February 25, 2010
can't believe
I can't believe its been a year since my life was turned upside down. It was sudden, unexpected and horrifying. I would like to tell you all that things are back to normal or almost there, but normalcy will never be in my life again. But then again what is normal. I would love to tell you all what happened but that is just not right or fair to the others that are involved. But that I can tell you all is how I feel. I feel robbed of my Innocent. I feel robbed in so many ways. I don't know how to feel sometimes. Most of the times when I think about what happen I just want to cry. I don't understand why it happened. Then I feel guilty and wonder if I could have changed things. I know the world does not evolve around me but . . . something one person can make a difference.
I wish the people that are involved comfort in their lives.