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Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Things are going well

I am so excited the potty training is going so well the last three days. Does anyone have some wood I can knock on? Anyways, Gwen and Gilbert have had no accents since Saturday afternoon. We went to Church on Sunday and they did terrific.

Monday they told me when they needed to go. There was a couple of times they just opened the door to the bathroom and went in there themselves and went, of course I followed them and cheered them on. I had forgotten to change them into diapers for nap time and they both held it the whole time, which was two and half hours! Unfortunately Gilbert wet his bed when he woke up, but Gwen did not and went in the potty when she woke up! Last night they both went to the potty before bath but while they were taking their bath Gilbert told Sam that he had to got poop then climbed out. Sam helped him sit on the toilet and he went!!! I was so proud of him. Isn't it funny what you get proud of when you are a mom and dad, lol. Gwen went poop yesterday to in the potty, but she did not tell me. I could tell by the look on her face that she was about to poop so I hurried her to the potty.

Today was a really good day too. I took them to the commissary (grocery store) today for a little over a hour and half and we had no accident! When I told them it was nap time Gilbert told me he need to go potty. I was tempted to try putting them to bed in underwear but I decided not to. Gwen once again held it the whole time!

I am now down to two packs of diapers left (I buy diapers from COSTCO so they come in packs of four) and hoping they they last a long time. I am really hoping I will never have to buy size 5 diapers. It is kind of funny that Gwen and Gilbert are only in size 4, the picture of the baby on the box is of one just learning to walk, Gwen and Gilbert did that just a little over a year ago. I guess the picture on the box should not surprise me they are only wearing 24 month old (2T)clothes, where most kids their age are wearing 3T or 4T. My kids are small, one day they will catch up!


Rachael Schirano \\ Rachael Schirano Photography said...

awesome about the success so far with potty training! i am dreading the day...

Wait Another Year said...

yes, our children getting potty trained is so exciting! that means less diapers and more savings! i hope your twins continue to do well and will learn in the next few months. my daughter was completely trained a month before she turned 3 and my son a month after that.

my twins are on the small side too. they have some 3t clothes but are also wearing a lot of 2t outfits. as far as i'm concerned, they're doing fine as long as they're growing at a steady pace.

i'd love to see some more photos of your twins. when you have some, please post them up. thanks.

Anonymous said...

I think that they are doing really well with Potty training. They are starting to recognize when they have to go and let us know.

Heather said...

yay I'm glad things are going good. Taylar is doing so much better. I think I just got frustrated too early. She is telling me all the time when she needs to go and only has at the most one accident a day. My next goal is to get her to go in and use it by herself.