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Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Sam just visited Bahrain (Kingdom of Bahrain, literally Kingdom of the Two Seas). Bahrain is a small island country in the Persian Gulf. Bahrain is approximately four times the size of Washington, DC.

On our first deployment in 2001 our ship went there twice. It is nice place. Sam said it has change a lot in seven years. The base (yes we have a US base there) is nothing like it use to be. Sam said it so much better. He did not really say too much about it just it is so much better there then before. He spent a lot of time at a house of friend of a friend. I am glad he had a good time.

While he was on base. Sam went to the NEX and bought me Microsoft® Office Standard 2007 Military Appreciation Edition since I don't have Word, Excel, PowerPoint, or Outlook (that one I don't really care it I have it or not) it on this computer. It has been a little frustrating at time because some the the attachment people e-mail to me I can not look at, plus most of the files I have saved from my old computer are saved as word so I can't open them, which I have always hated since I got this!!! I am so excited to get it!!! Sam mailed it on Thursday (or was it Friday) so hopefully I will get the package soon!