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Thursday, February 5, 2009

beach pictures

I found my camera!

These pictures are from this past Saturday. It was so nice and warm here that after we cleaned the garage we decide to go to the beach. We thought it would be to cold to go in the water, but we were wrong. The water was a little cold but really not that bad. Since we did not bring our swimming suits we just waded. Gwen and Gilbert had a blast. It's funny because a little less then a year ago Gwen hated the beach, she hated the sand and the water but this time she was having so much fun. She would chase the water. Gilbert quickly joined her. But at the end of the day he was enjoying writing in the sand.


Sean Patrick and Emma Jane said...

I am so jealous! It is 10 degress here and there is snow all over the ground :(

Rachel@just another day in paradise said...

we just had an ice storm. . .would much rather be there!